Pyroluria: Do Your Symptoms Suit This Condition?

Children and adults who have been medically diagnosed with conditions ranging from Anxiety, Depression, Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, ADD, ADHD, Autism, Asperger Syndrome, Alcoholism, and other mood disorders potentially have a misdiagnosed underlying blood condition known as Pyroluria.
Pyroluria (also known as pyrolles, kryptopyrolles, mauve factor) is a disorder in the blood that occurs when the body incorrectly manufactures haemoglobin. A byproduct is produced that essentially results in deficiencies in Vitamin B6 and Zinc. Due to the roles of Vitamin B6 and Zinc in the body, these deficiencies cause or contribute to the symptoms of many mental health states.
Resulting symptoms of pyroluria include:
- Irritability
- Anger episodes
- Poor memory
- Tactile sensitivities
- Poor tolerance to physical and emotional stress
- Impaired intellectual function
- Impaired immune function
Patients also possibly have an inability to tan, poor dream recall, abnormal fat distribution, and sensitivity to light and sound.
The test for pyroluria is a through a urine sample and be arranged upon clinical assessment in a naturopathic appointment.
Depending on results, other contributing health states and medications, treatment plans are then individually designed to treat the biochemical insufficiencies and improve symptoms in the patient.
The form of Vitamin B6 needed to treat this condition is different to Vitamin B6 that is available from supermarkets, health food shops and chemists and can only be prescribed by practitioners.
If you or anyone you know have been diagnosed or have symptoms that don’t add up, then give us a call and we may be able to help you.
© Coastal Natural Therapies Gold Coast
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