Manage Your Anxiety Naturally

It is common place to be diagnosed with anxiety after a 5-10 minute consult with your Doctor and prescribed a pharmaceutical drug. What is not generally discussed by your doctor are factors triggering anxiety.
Chances are it is always a combination of factors. Pharmaceutical drug classes of anti-anxiety medications and anti-depressants do not attempt to treat the triggers or total symptom and disease picture. They merely try to disguise the symptoms.
Triggers of anxiety can range from:
- Diet related like caffeine
- Hormone related like thyroid
- Related to menstrual cycles and hormones
- Post-Traumatic Stress
- Or a deficiency in certain vitamins, minerals or fatty acids
As a naturopath it is possible to test for aggravating symptoms. We have a range of herbs that can be used in combination to treat your anxiety. Doses, herbal combinations, length of use, and drug interactions are critical in your formula.
We may also suggest for you diet changes, use of flower essences, vitamin and mineral supplements, and breathing techniques that can reduce the symptoms of anxiety can also be prescribed depending on what your triggers are based on.
Come in for a consultation at our local gold coast naturopath clinic to find out what we can do to help your anxiety symptoms.
By Stacey Butterfield
© Coastal Natural Therapies Gold Coast
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Covid-19 Update
The team at Coastal Natural Therapies are still operating standard hours to the general public. With the unfortunate circumstances of Covid-19 Australia-wide, we have implemented stringent hygienic measures for the safety of our patients and staff. With the fluidity of the current situation, we are regularly keeping up to date with the Australian Government Department of Health recommendations.
Please stay home if unwell
In the consideration of our staff and other patients, if you're currently experiencing any signs of illness please cancel or reschedule your appointment. Please seek medical advise if your symptoms worsen. Please inform our team of any recent travels or if you have been in contact with any individuals whom have recently tested positive with Covid-19.
Please call us directly 07 5531 6461 for bookings and further information, particularly if you have any concerns.