Treating Acne Naturally

Our practitioners at Coastal Natural therapies can help men, women, teens and children across the Gold Coast in combatting acne issues. Many people have a constant struggle with trying the multitude of creams, masks, lotions, pills and ointments which all promise the same thing, clear skin. However, unfortunately more often than not the treatment will be ineffective or present a short term fix for something that is a long term problem.
So what are some natural alternatives to fixing acne?
Essentially our practitioners aim to fix your internal systems which will produce an external result. Firstly the cause of the acne will need to be recognised. Our naturopath is able to determine through testing whether the acne is largely hormone, stress or diet related. Through assessing
- food intake
- hormone levels
- symptoms such as constipation and bowel disruption
- excessive sweating
- stress levels
The naturopath is able to determine what is triggering the acne and work towards a treatment plan that works for your body. Essentially they will aim to fix underlying hormonal issues, address any food intolerances, reduce stress and work towards cleaning your liver, bowels and blood.
If the acne is a result of hormonal imbalance, i.e. women who get it around the time of menstruation or ovulation, then acupuncture can be utilised to regulate hormones and create balance within your body which will result in reducing and removing acne. Acupuncture not only stimulates hormones naturally but it reduces stress levels and brings the body back to its natural function.
Our practitioners see natural therapies as being some of the best acne treatments because they recognise and repair the root of the issue which will produce long term results. They also stay away from harmful chemicals and medications such as Roaccutane which as a young person, could not be more detrimental to your health. Roaccutane is the prescribed drug for acne and can cause irreversible bowel damage and strong mood disturbances, taking this drug so heavily through your teen years could result in many health issues in your later life.
If you feel like you have tried everything we urge you to give us a call, so we can support you on your path to clearer skin. Contact us today to make an appointment at 5531 6461.
© Coastal Natural Therapies ™ Gold Coast
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Covid-19 Update
The team at Coastal Natural Therapies are still operating standard hours to the general public. With the unfortunate circumstances of Covid-19 Australia-wide, we have implemented stringent hygienic measures for the safety of our patients and staff. With the fluidity of the current situation, we are regularly keeping up to date with the Australian Government Department of Health recommendations.
Please stay home if unwell
In the consideration of our staff and other patients, if you're currently experiencing any signs of illness please cancel or reschedule your appointment. Please seek medical advise if your symptoms worsen. Please inform our team of any recent travels or if you have been in contact with any individuals whom have recently tested positive with Covid-19.
Please call us directly 07 5531 6461 for bookings and further information, particularly if you have any concerns.