Avoid the flu this Winter!

As the days are getting colder, Coastal Natural therapies wants to help you in avoiding the cold and flu this winter season. It is vital to prepare your body on the inside to enable it to deal with external factors such as reduced temperatures and colder climate. Boosting the immune system through herbal remedies can be extremely beneficial in ridding your body of toxins and allowing all harmful bacteria to be destroyed naturally.
Many people believe that receiving the flu vaccine is the best option to avoid winter illness. However the vaccine only protects against 4 of the 200 influenza strains. The best method of treatment is first hand prevention and immunity system building. This can be achieved through incorporating different foods into your diet and taking herbal supplements that can assist you to stay well this winter.
Foods that you can start to increase your intake of include onions, garlic, horseradish, ginger and cayenne pepper, which when eaten raw have been proven as antiviral remedies and immunity enhancements.
Tea is another great thing to increase your intake during the colder months due to its large amount of antioxidants and phytochemicals that can help prevent infection.
For further immune assistance there is a wide variety of natural herb supplements thatournaturopath can provide specific to your needs. To find out more you can book a consultation todayand give you the things you need to stay at your best this Winter.
For more information don’t hesitate to give us a call on 55316461 or email us at info@coastalnaturaltherapies.com
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The team at Coastal Natural Therapies are still operating standard hours to the general public. With the unfortunate circumstances of Covid-19 Australia-wide, we have implemented stringent hygienic measures for the safety of our patients and staff. With the fluidity of the current situation, we are regularly keeping up to date with the Australian Government Department of Health recommendations.
Please stay home if unwell
In the consideration of our staff and other patients, if you're currently experiencing any signs of illness please cancel or reschedule your appointment. Please seek medical advise if your symptoms worsen. Please inform our team of any recent travels or if you have been in contact with any individuals whom have recently tested positive with Covid-19.
Please call us directly 07 5531 6461 for bookings and further information, particularly if you have any concerns.