Be Proud of your Journey

Whenever I speak to someone who has also been diagnosed with endometriosis, I immediately open my heart and automatically think, ‘oh she gets it!’ We usually have lots to chat about and plenty of stories to share. Maybe some jokes, and genuine laughter that can only really be shared between those who understand. I always find it refreshing to speak to someone who really gets it.
With all of this being said, it becomes natural to watch other people’s progress, and compare it to your own. After all you’re both on the same journey through infertility, right?
Wrong. Even though I have endometriosis my journey is different to every single other persons. It might seem to be an obvious statement, but when you get into your ‘fertility bubble’ it so easy to catch a case of comparison-itis! ‘But I’m doing all the same things as her, why isn’t it working for me?’ or ‘Why did it only take her (x) amount of months?’ If you’re anything like me, you’ve had these thoughts, and probably ones much worse!
The truth is, although you might find solace in the fact that other people are experiencing something similar to you, that’s where it should stop. Comparing, and focusing your energy outward and on other peoples progress will not serve your journey in any way. It has absolutely no relevance to you. Carrying the burden of comparison is heavy, when in fact in order to progress on your journey, you need to be light, lifted and supported.
So how do we stop worrying about what everyone else is doing? Personally, I like to focus on my progress. Ask yourself these questions to jog your memory on how far you’ve come.
What were you like when you first started trying to conceive?
Think about the physically aspects, maybe you weren’t quite as healthy, carrying a little extra weight?
What did you eat?
What were you throwing down the hatch each day? Did you eat regular meals? What were the key foods you were consuming?
What was your spiritual connection like?
Were you connected to yourself? Did you love and support yourself through the ups and downs?
How strong were you mentally?
Were you lost, confused, a little naïve maybe?
By now you should have a clear picture of what you were like, when your journey begun.
Now ask yourself these questions.
How are things different?
What have you learnt?
How do you live your life now, compared to before?
You see, we love to compare ourselves to others, when really the only person we can compare ourselves to is ourselves! You know the saying, you have to compare apples with apples, it’s true!
It’s time to start loving and appreciating the journey you’re on. Be proud of the person you are, be proud of how you’ve grown, and be proud of your beautiful body for giving you strength to make it through all of the hurdles you have faced. Focus your energy into healing and nourishing your body, don’t give it away. Where you are in your life right now is perfect. Trust that things will unfold as they should. You’re an amazing woman. Don’t you ever forget it!
By: Kate Caddle
Kate Caddle is a patient of David’s who has been kind enough to share thoughts on her current journey with endometriosis. As part of her healing she has embraced natural alternatives to strengthen, nourish and restore her body. To read more about Kate’s journey, change in lifestyle and all her tips on overall health and well being check out her blog at or on facebook at
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