Acupuncture used in Emergency Rooms

Here at Coastal Natural Therapies Gold Coast our qualified acupuncturists use a style of traditional medicine based on more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice.
In the birthplace of acupuncture Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is more than a “complementary” treatment. For many Chinese it is recognised as primary care, patients seek TCM first and then, if necessary, they will follow up with Western treatment if needed. Finally, we are starting to see the emergence of its use in Australian hospitals.
In a recent eight month study acupuncture was used in a Melbourne hospital on patients presenting with pain and/or nausea. The group consisted of 400 participants, 200 of which received acupuncture and usual medical care whilst the other 200 received usual medical care only (1).
Musculoskeletal conditions were the most common conditions treated,
followed by abdominal pain. More than half of the participants in the group (52.5%) responded ‘definitely yes’ for their willingness to repeat acupuncture, and a further 31.8% responded ‘probably yes’. 57% of participants reported a satisfaction score of 10 for acupuncture treatment and side effects were rare and mild (2%).
Results of the study conclude that Acupuncture in the Emergency Department (ED) appears safe and acceptable for patients with pain and/or nausea. Results suggest combined care may provide effective pain and nausea relief in ED patients.
This study shows promising results for the future of integrating the best of both worlds, Eastern medicine meeting Western. Acupuncture is proving it can play a vital part in our healthcare system.
If you are wanting to find out how we can help you, an initial consultation will determine your own personal treatment plan and set you on a path back to health, please give us a call on 5531 6461 or email us on
- Feeney, C., Bruns, E., LeCompte, G., Forati, A., Chen, T., & Matecki, A. (2017). Acupuncture for Pain and Nausea in the Intensive Care Unit: A Feasibility Study in a Public Safety Net Hospital. The Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine, 23(12), 996-1004. doi: 10.1089/acm.2016.0323
© Coastal Natural Therapies ™ Gold Coast 2019
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The team at Coastal Natural Therapies are still operating standard hours to the general public. With the unfortunate circumstances of Covid-19 Australia-wide, we have implemented stringent hygienic measures for the safety of our patients and staff. With the fluidity of the current situation, we are regularly keeping up to date with the Australian Government Department of Health recommendations.
Please stay home if unwell
In the consideration of our staff and other patients, if you're currently experiencing any signs of illness please cancel or reschedule your appointment. Please seek medical advise if your symptoms worsen. Please inform our team of any recent travels or if you have been in contact with any individuals whom have recently tested positive with Covid-19.
Please call us directly 07 5531 6461 for bookings and further information, particularly if you have any concerns.