Toyohari practitioners use non-insertive and specialised needle techniques, unique to this acupuncture style. The treatment is therefore very gentle and non-invasive. Since the treatment is pain free and non-invasive, it is particularly suited to children as well as anyone who is wary of needles.
It is a theoretically simple but technically sophisticated complete system of acupuncture. It is different from most other forms of acupuncture in that it uses a more delicate treatment method, placing great emphasis on the use of pulse diagnosis and palpation skills.
Treatment is largely based on the practitioner’s ability to feel and work with qi throughout the patient’s body. In accordance with tradition, Toyohari employs the “four diagnoses” (asking, looking, listening and touching), and focuses on discerning imbalances in particular along the twelve main circulating channels or meridians. Pulse diagnosis, is taken to an high level, and other areas are also considered during palpatory diagnosis (particularly the hara or abdomen).
A specific characteristic of Toyohari is its focus on gently influencing the flow of the Qi (often translated as vital energy) using these delicate techniques.
All acupuncturists here at Coastal Natural Therapies are trained in Toyohari style acupuncture.