Homeopathy is a unique system of medicine. It is based on the principles of using very small doses to treat diseases, a concept that “like cures like” and a belief that each person in a disease state omits an individual vibrational frequency that can be matched by the vibrational frequency of an individual medicine. Thus in science, homeopathy is talking about the principle of physics. Herbs and nutrition are based on chemistry. When combining homeopathic, herbs and nutrition, as a total treatment plan, patients will always achieve the greatest power of healing.

The consult and information required for homeopathic prescription is vastly different to naturopathic consults and GP appointments. It requires patients to be very aware of how they experience their symptoms and for patients to be as detailed as possible. For example, with a sore throat, in modern medicine and naturopathic medicine a description of a sore throat, runny nose and headache is suffice. However in homeopathy, in order to prescribe a remedy a practitioner is looking for very individual details of that sore throat.

Examples of detailed symptoms of a sore throat include, pain is on the left side, pain is only on the right side, pain is better for warm drinks, pain is better for cold drinks, sensation of a lump in the throat, sensation of a splinter in the throat, pain extends to the ear on swallowing, pain is better for swallowing, pain is worst for swallowing, throat has white pus pimples, throat is red and dry, throat is congested with mucous, mucous is white, mucous is green, mucous is stringy, mucous is lumpy, patient wants company, patients wants to be alone etc. When one thinks about each time they have had a sore throat, one realises that each sore throat was completely different, thus the uniqueness and power of homeopathy.