toyohari acupuncture gold coastIn this modern, fast paced world, many people are living their lives below their full health potential, easily forgetting what it feels like to feel vibrantly well, and operate at their full capacity. Rushing from one moment to the next, and dealing with both physical and emotional stress can lead to a multitude of health conditions, that when untreated, will slowly deplete your energy and spark for life.
But it t doesn’t have to be this way.

Here at Coastal Natural Therapies Gold Coast, we are leading the way for alternative health care that supports you, using ancient Chinese medicine techniques. Collectively with over 18 years’ experience, and a deep passion for wellness, our staff pride themselves on the quality of care they offer to their patients. Continuously expanding their knowledge and furthering their study, to make sure you are receiving the best care possible.

We believe in the ancient teachings and techniques of Chinese medicine, and wholeheartedly support our clients in the best way we can using these teachings. With a combination of acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine and point injection, we are able to tailor your treatment to suit.
There is not a one size fits all approach, and every appointment is approached from a new perspective, making sure we miss nothing in our assessment.

This insures that you feel supported, cared for and receive the best results possible after each session.

We also prioritise your comfort, and understand that the idea of acupuncture and needling can bring on anxiety for some patients. We aim to alleviate this by walking you through the process, and always being guided by your level of comfort. This being said, most patients are surprised that they don’t even feel any of the needles during their treatments!

We are more than happy to help you with any questions you have about the process, and whether acupuncture is the right fit for you. Our reception staff will be happy to take your call.