At our natural therapies and acupuncture clinic on the Gold Coast, we have seen the benefits of using natural therapies and acupuncture in the pregnancy journey. For some, falling pregnant & being pregnant is easy sailing, however for others it Read More...
We often hear the saying, 'you are what you eat', but more importantly, 'you are what you absorb'. You could be eating the healthiest diet, but if you aren't absorbing it then you aren't optimising the food you're consuming. It Read More...
At our Natural Therapies clinic on the Gold Coast we see a lot of patients with Anxiety. Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Up to 1/3 of women and 1/5 of men will experience anxiety at Read More...
Naturopathy is a holistic approach to wellness based on the principle that the body has the inherent ability to heal itself. Using the healing power of nature and gentle therapeutic techniques, the body, mind and emotions are supported during the Read More...
Amanda Flower’s main objective at Coastal Natural Therapies on the Gold Coast is to work alongside her patients in achieving their goals and finding the root cause of imbalance. We treat the whole person and develop a individualised step by step Read More...
Is my Vitamin D levels low? What are the Symptoms? Here at Coastal Natural Therapies on the Gold Coast our Naturopath Amanda can explain to you the importance of Vitamin D. Vitamin D doesn't always get as much attention as Read More...
Weight gain, depression/anxiety, headaches, low energy and disrupted sleep are just some of things that come to mind when we think about the affects of chronic stress, however for women it can also mean low libido, PMS, heavy or irregular Read More...
Here at our Acupuncture Clinic on the Gold Coast it’s that busy time of year where it gets a little crazy with travelling, social engagements and (hopefully) heaps of relaxing…so here are some tips to keep you in optimal shape! Read More...
Sleep hygiene is essential for ensuring you are functioning optimally. Our Naturopath Amanda Flower at our Gold Coast natural therapies clinic, discusses a little bit more about why quality sleep is vital and some tips that could help you. Disruptions Read More...
At our Gold Coast Naturopathic clinic, we want you to look and feel your best by helping you achieve your desired weight. We often get in a comfortable routine and start to make choices that aren’t the healthiest for us. Read More...
Here at Coastal Natural Therapies we like to give you easy tips to make healthy feel easier, than it can often sound! Here are some things we think will help you feel better this year 🙂 Water - Ensure you are Read More...
Here at Coastal Natural Therapies on the Gold Coast, we want to make sure your immune system stays robust during this current climate. There's a lot of talk about people wanting tips to boost your immune system given the current Read More...
At our Gold Coast natural health clinic, we are seeing infertility on the rise, however, we don’t often see a lot of men asking about the health of their bodies & sperm, it is often the women seeking answers for Read More...
The ancient Chinese believed that human beings should live in harmony with the natural cycles of their environment. At Coastal Natural Therapies are big advocates for seasonal eating. With the arrival of Winter it's time for a change up in our diets! Read More...
Did you know we have a Naturopath available for consultations at our Gold Coast natural therapies clinic? If you've never seen a naturopath and don't know what they do, let us give you a little more information. Naturopathy uses a combination Read More...
If you've heard about or used Rescue Remedy, then you know about Flower essences. Flower essences have been around for thousands of years and are used to assist with emotional challenges, as well as give courage, strength and commitment to Read More...
Our new naturopath, Amanda Flower is questioning your supplements! At our natural health clinic on the Gold Coast, we know how easy it is to get caught up in the latest fashion or tech trend, but we can also find Read More...
Zinc, like magnesium, is a cofactor in a number of critical enzymes, in fact over 300 enzymes are zinc dependant, that we are aware of. Copper overlaps with zinc in transport and metabolism and therefore acts as a see-saw affect Read More...
At Coastal Natural Therapies on the Gold Coast, our multi-modality clinic can assist our patients in the relief of symptoms related to fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome often characterized by diffuse pain with fatigue, sleeping poorly, emotional distress and stiffness. People with Read More...
When a patient comes to see you for a naturopathic consultation in regards to any skin complaint; eczema, dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, or undiagnosed rashes, (unless it is contact dermatitis and a forgotten change in soap etc), then there usually appears Read More...
Everyone is trying to get back into the school routine on the Gold Coast and this is a perfect time to establish healthy routines for your children and for yourselves as mums and dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and even for Read More...
Restoring your body back to full heath is simple! How? By noticing allergies or food intolerances and understanding medication or supplement interactions we can restore our bodies back to full health. Checking for Food Intolerances The first and simplest option Read More...
Coastal Natural Therapies strive to address and restore the entire body. Visiting a Naturopath can be the first step in long term health and wellness, diagnosing small problems now to prevent them from developing into bigger problems later. A Naturopath Read More...
For women everywhere, dealing with menstruation is never fun, but Coastal Natural therapies can provide you with treatments that will reduce discomfort and make this time as pain free as it should be. Women assume that whilst menstruating, dealing with Read More...
As the days are getting colder, Coastal Natural therapies wants to help you in avoiding the cold and flu this winter season. It is vital to prepare your body on the inside to enable it to deal with external factors Read More...
Recent reports from the world health organisation show that nine of the most common infectious diseases are becoming resistant to antibiotic treatment. This is due to the alarming overuse of antibiotics with people using them as a quick fix rather Read More...
As Autumn is now upon us its now time to prepare our bodies for the colder months. Our bodies must begin to harvest and store energy for Winter to aid in warming from the inside. It’s time to rid your Read More...
Our specialists at Coastal Natural therapies strive to provide the best support throughout pregnancy. During pregnancy there are a few key things that are required to ensure the health and wellbeing of mother and child. Pregnancy can be a very Read More...
Coastal natural therapies will be holding a free seminar open to all couples to discuss natural treatments for infertility, support throughout IVF and pregnancy and post birth care. The seminar will be run in the clinic and will be led Read More...
As health professionals, far too often we see people taking information off the internet and from unqualified friends or family and treating it like law. There is high risk associated with self-diagnosis and people who as a result begin treating Read More...
Our practitioners at Coastal Natural therapies can help men, women, teens and children across the Gold Coast in combatting acne issues. Many people have a constant struggle with trying the multitude of creams, masks, lotions, pills and ointments which all Read More...
It’s a new year and Coastal Natural Therapies wants to help you get serious about your health for 2014. Detoxing is the perfect way to kick off the New Year, restoring your health after the festive season. Detox can often Read More...
In a naturopathic clinic setting the word detox takes on a slightly different meaning to the media driven word most people associate with detox. Every second of every hour of everyday your body is technically designed to be under a Read More...
Are you taking pharmaceutical drugs and natural medicines together? Do you take more than 2-3 natural supplements at any given time? Have you been taking any supplement for longer than 3 months? Were they prescribed from a naturopath or Read More...
Food intolerance and allergies can have a substantial impact on your day-to-day, so at our Naturopathic clinic on the Gold Coast, we would love to help relieve this burden for you. When people have suffered from particular symptoms their whole Read More...
Children and adults who have been medically diagnosed with conditions ranging from Anxiety, Depression, Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, ADD, ADHD, Autism, Asperger Syndrome, Alcoholism, and other mood disorders potentially have a misdiagnosed underlying blood condition known as Pyroluria. Pyroluria (also known as Read More...
By Stacey Butterfield Hay fever. A little sneeze here and there, some red itchy eyes and a little watery discharge mean that it is not a condition that has the estimated 17% of the suffering Australian population rushing to a Read More...
Are you considering a flu vaccine shot this winter? After all it is free and according to the WHO influenza causes severe illness in three to five million people around the world and accounts for on average between 250,000 to 500,000 Read More...
Come in for a consultation at our local gold coast naturopath clinic to find out what we can do to help your anxiety symptoms.