In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, we are working longer hours, spending more time indoors, eating out more and not being as mindful in our day-to-day lives. This is affecting our health and we are seeing more and more chronic illness.

Our approach is to reach the underlying cause of your illness, this is achieved through the use of questioning, clinical diagnostics and biological testing where necessary. Our comprehensive approach will leave you feeling supported throughout your treatment plan as our practitioners address the core issue from a holistic perspective.

Our Naturopath Amanda tailors individual treatments in order to help you reach your optimal health. Book today to see how Amanda can support you through your health journey.

Areas of interest include: 

  • Stress, anxiety & depression
  • Hormonal imbalances, fertility & menopause
  • Skin conditions. You can read more here 
  • Immune support (sinusitis, cold/flu, allergies). You can read more here
  • Gut imbalance (irritable bowel,  bloating, poor digestion)
  • Poor sleep, fatigue, headaches and low energy. You can read more here

Naturopathy has been used in various cultures for hundreds of years and we utilise the modalities of;

  • Nutrition and dietary adjustments
  • Western herbs
  • Nutritional supplements. You can read more here
  • Flower essences. You can read more here
  • Lifestyle changes

Diagnostics & testing that can be used include: All pathology testing (including hormonal profile), DNA testing, allergy/food sensitivities, hair mineral analysis and much more. 


Consultations available:

Initial Naturopathic & Nutritional Medicine Consult – This is a 75min appointment, going through your medical history, presenting complaint & looking at all areas of your life to find the underlying cause. Book Appointment Now 

Subsequent Naturopathic & Nutritional Medicine ConsultationFollowing on from your initial consultation, this is a 45min appointment, where we continue to build on your treatment protocol & address any new complaints that may have arisen. Book Appointment Now 

Acute Naturopathic Consult – This is a 30min appointment for sudden onset (eg: Cold/Flu, Hay fever), with a symptomatic prescription. Book Appointment Now 

Flower Essence Consult – This is a 30min appointment utilising Australian Bush Flower Essences to assist any emotional or physical concerns. Book Appointment Now 

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