Our practitioners here at our Gold Coast Acupuncture clinic use a style of acupuncture called 'Kiiko acupuncture'. Kiiko Matsumoto acupuncture is a style of acupuncture developed by Kiiko Matsumoto, a renowned Japanese acupuncturist. Her approach combines traditional Chinese medicine principles Read More...
By Mark, one of our talented acupuncturists. Hand pain and associated conditions are often seen in our Gold Coast Clinic and are particularly frustrating for patients, given how often we use our hands for everyday activities. We treat rheumatoid arthritis, Read More...
At our Gold Coast Acupuncture Clinic we have seen the benefits of using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the journey back to health. The keystone of acupuncture and TCM has always been awakening the body’s natural intelligence to heal itself Read More...
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) dates back nearly two thousand years and holds the ancient principles of acupuncture and eastern medicine. TCM views pain or injury as a sign that the body is out of balance and that something is blocking Read More...
Insomnia can be treated through our Acupuncture and Naturopathy clinic here on the Gold Coast. Insomnia is a sleep disorder where individuals may struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep or both. Insomnia can come in many different forms which could Read More...
As we approach almost 2 years living in this new world of restrictions, border closures and a complete change of our way of life, it is no surprise that many Australians are currently struggling with mental health issues and are Read More...
At Coastal Natural Therapies we work with patients who are currently suffering from all sorts of physical pain ailments. Regardless of whether they were attained through injury or old age, we always strive to ensure our patients receive high quality Read More...
While Christmas can be a wonderful time of year with all the beautiful decorations, getting to spend time with loved ones and all the delicious food, for some it can become a time of stress and unbalance. Here at Coastal Read More...