To properly understand how acupuncture point injection therapy works, the patient needs to understand acupuncture points. Acupuncture points help to control the flow of energy through the body. Twelve main energy channels are used. By using these acupuncture points, the body’s ability to heal itself is stimulated, muscles are relaxed and imbalances are corrected. Saline and homeopathic vials are injected (both sterile) into acupuncture points, this injection allow for the stimulation of the surrounding tissues to promote self-healing. In cases of acute or chronic injury tissue may become congested with the waste products, which may prevent the nutrient and waste product transfer between the cells and the bloodstream. The injection of saline may improve the quality of the interstitial fluid allowing nutrient and waste transfer between the cells and bloodstream to occur efficiently again.
The point of acupuncture point injection therapy is not to suppress pain as many conventional forms of medicine do. Rather, it changes the information in the body in order to promote healing.
Acupuncture point injection therapy is very useful in treating the following conditions:
- Tennis elbow
- Golfers elbow
- Chronic back problems
- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- Acute musculoskeletal problems
- Headaches or migraines
- Wound healing
- Cartilage erosion
- Acute or chronic inflammation
- Injuries
- Skeletal pain
- Muscle, tendon or ligament bruising or tears
- Inflammation of the sinus
- Softening and repairing scar tissue
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Relaxing muscles
- Improving circulation